About iLab

Generative DfX in high-rise modular building:

An expert-augmented cascade graph learning

and optimisation approach


About iLab

Our research team comes from iLab, one of the best research labs in the University of Hong Kong (HKU).

iLab is an urban big data hub housed on the 7th floor of the Knowles Building, the University of Hong Kong that supports the entire suite of HKUrbanLabs. It facilitates multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary urban big data collection, storage, analysis, and presentation to inform decision-making in urban development. iLab is a repository for urban big data from Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Urban Remote Sensing (URS), satellite and airborne Remote Sensing (RS), Building Information Modeling (BIM), Laser scanning, facilities and asset management, and other sources.




7/f, Knowles Building,

Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong,

Pokfulam, HKSAR.


+852 39177981


wilsonlu@hku.hk (Prof. Wilson Lu)

xuef@hku.hk (Dr. Frank Xue)

chenjj10@hku.hk (Dr. Junjie CHEN)





7/f, Knowles Building,

Faculty of Architecture,

The University of Hong Kong,

Pokfulam, HKSAR.

Email Us

wilsonlu@hku.hk (Prof. Wilson Lu)

xuef@hku.hk (Dr. Frank Xue)

chenjj10@hku.hk (Dr. Junjie CHEN)


About iLab

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